If there is one thing Australian gardens and landscapes are known for, it is the plethora of gorgeous and diverse Australian native plants we have to choose from. Australian native trees are a favourite, but if you need something a little more compact, Australian native shrubs are definitely worth considering.
Many are not only hardy and low-maintenance but they can be grown in a range of habitats from courtyards to cottage gardens. And the flowers! Natives are renowned for their vibrant hues that not only add an aesthetically beautiful touch to a garden, they attract a range of wildlife from butterflies to native bees and nectar-eating birds. Beautiful, easy to care for and wildlife-friendly — what more could you want?
There are over 170 species of banksia in Australia ranging in size from woody shrubs to trees up to 30 metres tall. Banksia spinulosa, also often called ‘Birthday Candles’, only grows to around 50 centimetres tall. It is one of the Australian evergreen shrubs that has dense foliage and this variety also has spectacular golden flowers that bloom in autumn and winter. Its striking flowers will attract birds and bees to your garden. Because of its mound shape, it makes an ideal border plant and is a great addition to a pot or in rockeries. Their ideal planting position is in light shade or full sun and they prefer well-drained soil. Hardy and frost tolerant, they are very low maintenance with most not requiring fertiliser. They can be trimmed to keep their desired shape if necessary.
There are lots of varieties of Kangaroo Paw, but the Anigozanthos Bush Pearl is a naturally compact Australian native shrub that produces masses of distinctive, candy-pink flowers in autumn, spring and winter. It is a fantastic feature plant in pots and gardens and adds a colour dimension that will bring your garden to life. Growing to a height of 50 centimetres, it prefers full or part sun and a well-drained position, however, it is relatively low maintenance and can be grown with or without fertilising. If you want to fertilise, a slow-release version is recommended as is a water at the time of flowering (although this plant is very drought-hardy). Flower stems should also be pruned back to the ground after flowering.
When it comes to Australian native shrubs, the Deua Grevillea is particularly loved for being hardy and low maintenance. It has a compact form and clusters of slightly pendulous, spidery red flowers that are in full flush during spring and summer, although they are often spotted year-round. Flowers are long-lasting and attract bird life. In terms of their environment, they are ideal for container growing or a cottage, coastal or flower garden. Reaching a height of up to 1.5 metres, this evergreen tree prefers warm temperate, cool temperate and Mediterranean climate zones, although it is frost-tolerant. In terms of care, plant in full sun in well-drained soil, feed with a slow-release fertiliser in spring and trim lightly after a heavy flush of blooms to encourage further flowering and shrub fullness.
This Australian native shrub is evergreen and mound-shaped and prefers cool temperate, Mediterranean and semi-arid locations, although it is relatively low maintenance. Its beautifully coloured bright pink flowers have spotted throats, appear in spring and attract bees, butterflies and nectar-eating birds. It is a low-growing shrub that will only reach around half a metre in height and is ideal for flower gardens. It has green foliage and makes a good low-hedge plant if it is pruned to keep it dense. It will tolerate light frost and prefers a sunny to partly shaded spot and dry, well-drained soil.
Tetratheca thymifolia. (2023, May 7). In Wikipedia.
Also known as Black-eyed Susan, this Australian evergreen shrub is tough and hardy, so fantastic for container growing and low-maintenance, cottage or flower gardens. With dense foliage and a mounded form, in spring the shrub bursts with brilliant, pendulous pink flowers with a black centre that will attract native bees, birds and butterflies. Growing to a height of around one metre, it will thrive in sub-tropical, warm temperate and cool temperature climates and will also tolerate light frost. Plant in sunny or lightly shaded areas in well-drained soil. Give it a light trim and a feed with an organic slow release fertiliser after flowering.
Another one of the spectacular Australian native shrubs available is the Coral Flame Pea. It has amazing fluorescent flower colours of orange, pink and gold and it grows into a small spreading plant that will light up a corner of your garden. Ideal as a feature plant or as a stunning pot plant, if you prune this evergreen plant while it is young, you will be richly rewarded with a shrub smothered in flowers in spring and winter. It grows to a height of 30 centimetres and will flourish in warm temperate, cool temperate and Mediterranean climates. It is also one of the Australian native shrubs with non invasive roots so is pipe and drain-friendly. In terms of care, it prefers well-drained soil and sunny, light shade and it will tolerate light frost.
This tough native evergreen shrub is another one of the low maintenance native shrubs that is a beautiful ground-covering perennial, so makes a great border plant or an addition to a rockery or coastal garden. They also look fantastic as a feature shrub in a pot. Growing to around half a metre, their deep blue flowers appear through spring and summer and will attract native bees and butterflies into your garden. Climate-wise, they prefer sub-tropical, warm temperate, cool temperate and Mediterranean areas and full sun to part shade. They prefer sandy, well-drained soil and will tolerate light frost. If you want to encourage Dampiera stricta to spread further give a hard prune after flowering.
When it comes to Australian evergreen shrubs, the Grevillea Lady O is a fantastic choice. It is a medium-sized spreading shrub that grows to around 1.5 metres and flowers most of the year with its spidery red blooms. It is ideal as a feature ground cover plant for shrubberies and rockeries as well as for pots. It prefers warm temperate, cool temperate, cool and Mediterranean climates, although is cold and frost tolerant. Soil should be dry and well-drained and it will do well in sunny or lightly shaded areas. Hardy and reliable, it requires minimal care, although a regular light pruning will give a more dense habit. This plant also attracts wildlife including bees, butterflies and nectar-eating birds.
In terms of small Australian native shrubs, Langiera has a woolly, grey finish on its green foliage which helps protect the plant from the elements. Gorgeous cream and pink flowers burst out in late winter to early spring and attract bees and nectar-eating birds. Growing to a height of around 80 centimetres, It prefers warm temperature, cool temperature and Mediterranean climates, but it is a hardy plant that is frost and drought-resistant once established, so will also flourish in windy and coastal gardens. It will also tolerate most soil types as long as drainage is good. Plant in part shade or full sun and water and mulch regularly for the first few months while the plant establishes. It will also appreciate a feed with a slow-release native fertiliser in spring.
If you are after Australian flowering shrubs with flowers that are also sweetly scented, then this evergreen plant is an ideal choice. Flowers appear in spring and are bell-shaped with a rich plum colour and a yellow centre. Their colour, shape and perfume also make them a great cut flower so you can enjoy them inside as well as out. Growing to a height of around 50 centimetres, they are a good choice for a courtyard, flower garden or for growing in a pot, and will attract bees and butterflies. They prefer sub-tropical, warm temperate, cool temperate and Mediterranean climates but are frost-tolerant. Plant in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. They should be pruned regularly to keep their shape.
Also known as the River Wattle, this Australian flowering shrub will provide vibrant year-round colour with its bright lime-green foliage that forms into a ball. Ideal as a feature shrub or container plant, it will also suit courtyards and pool areas. It also has small yellow, ball-shaped flowers that appear in spring and attract birds, bees and other insects into your garden. Reaching a height of up to a metre, it is a weeping evergreen plant that prefers well-drained soil and warm temperate, cool temperate, cool and Mediterranean climates. Plan in a sunny or lightly shaded position and remove dead or dying branches. Apart from that, this native shrub needs very little attention.
This Australian flowering shrub is tough, easy to grow and has beautiful flowers making it a garden favourite. Foliage is glossy green and bell-shaped and its red and pink flowers attract bees and nectar-eating birds throughout autumn and winter. It prefers sub-tropical, warm temperate, cool temperate, Mediterranean and semi-arid climates so performs well in coastal areas and is also frost-tolerant. It will grow to a height of around 1.3 metres and is ideal in a courtyard, pool area, growing container or in a cottage or flower garden. In terms of care, it prefers full sun to part shade and well-drained, sandy or loamy soil. Give it a light prune after flowering to keep it compact.
Also known as the Chamomile Sunray, this is a small native shrub that has a compact, mounding growth habit. It is also an Australian flowering shrub that produces masses of papery-white flowers with yellow centres through spring and summer that attract bees, butterflies and other insects. Growing to a height of around 30 centimetres, it is ideal for courtyards, pool areas and cottage and flower gardens. It is also a great feature plant (in the ground or a pot) and looks stunning cascading over a garden wall. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil, water regularly during hot periods and give a hard prune in late summer to encourage compact growth.
This tough native evergreen shrub is another of the low maintenance Australian native shrubs that grows up to one metre. Prolific scarlet red flowers are the star of this shrub, which look like unfurling tendrils that contrast against the fine, deep green foliage year round. Flowers attract bees, butterflies and nectar-eating birds. Plant in full sun with well-draining soil to enjoy plenty of flowers. Water regularly in the first eight to 12 weeks, but once established it is very low maintenance and will tolerate frost and drought. Feed with a slow-release native fertiliser in spring and give it a light prune at the end of summer to keep it tidy and dense.
This low-maintenance Australian native shrub has glossy green, waxy leaves and large beautiful pink flowers that appear in autumn and winter. Native bees love this stunning evergreen plant as do butterflies and other insects. It prefers warm temperate and cool temperate climate zones, full sun to part shade and dry, well-drained soil. Low-maintenance gardens, a courtyard, a cottage garden, a flower garden or a coastal garden are all ideal for this plant. Growing to a height of around one metre, it should be kept moist in summer while it is establishing but will become drought-tolerant once settled. To keep its shape and encourage bushy growth, prune lightly in spring.
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